Daniel 2:2-23

An impossible situation. That’s where we find Daniel. The king has a dream and wants his wise men to interpret it or they will be executed. The catch? He won’t tell them what the dream is about. The exciting story of Daniel continues.

Daniel 1:14-2:1

When in front of the most powerful man in the ancient world, King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel chooses to stand for God. Join us today in Daniel chapter 1 for a study that Dr. McGee’s calls “foundational to our understanding of all prophecy.”

Daniel 1:2-13

Castrated and in captivity, Daniel and his three friends (all around the age of seventeen) find themselves in training as scholars for the king. But how can you simultaneously serve God and a heathen king? That’s what we’ll find out as our study of Daniel begins.

Daniel 1:1

“One of the most thrilling books of the Bible.” That’s how our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, describes the Old Testament book of Daniel. Hop aboard the Bible Bus for this terrific introduction that sets the stage for not only the studies to come, but also for our understanding of God’s Word as a whole.

Philemon 1:1-25

Grace to others. That’s the focus of this study in the New Testament book of Philemon. Join us for a very personal story of a runaway slave and listen as the Apostle Paul pleads with his owner to act in love, just as God has done with each one of us.

Titus 3:1-15

As we’ve traveled through the book of Titus, the Apostle Paul has been clear: Sound doctrine is the foundation of a healthy church. In our study of chapter 3, we’ll hear Paul reaffirm this belief and add that in response to God’s mercy and grace, the church should also be engaged in good works.

Titus 2:1-15

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.” That’s the good news we hear as our journey through the short but powerful New Testament book of Titus continues. Learn from what Paul has to say about conduct in the congregation in Crete and discover that it applies to the church today as well.

Titus 1:8-2:1

What is the role of elders in the church? That’s the topic we’re discussing as our study of Paul’s letter to his spiritual son, Titus, continues. Follow along as Paul encourages Titus to be stricter with the truth, warns him against legalism in the congregation, and above all else reminds him that sound doctrine is the foundation on which the church should be built.

Titus 1:1-7

Conduct in the church. That’s what we’re studying in the New Testament book of Titus. Dr. McGee explains that Paul’s message is surprisingly not about rules and regulations in the church, but about the heart and character of those leading it.

Titus 1:1

The old saying “practice what you preach” could very well have gotten its beginning in the tiny but powerful book of Titus. Find out more about the young Gentile pastor Paul led to Christ, and hear some of the wisdom Paul shares with him for the church on the island of Crete.

Ezekiel 40:1-48:35

In our study through the wild and wonderful book of Ezekiel we’ve learned about some dark days. But in Ezekiel 40-48 we’ll see the glory of the Lord returned to the millennial temple. In this exciting study Ezekiel gives us a sneak peek of the millennial city and land during the Millennium.

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